Noxious weeds pose a real threat to our native vegetation. There are many invasive species that can crowd out and take over pasture lands if we don’t take a pro-active approach. Once introduced, noxious weeds thrive due to a lack of natural controls and their ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions. It is very important as responsible land owners to identify noxious weeds and develop a management strategy.
The Colorado Noxious Weed Act allows city and county governments to implement management plans to control noxious weeds and protect land not yet affected.
You are not alone in this journey. We are here to help on any level including consultation, overseeding, weed management plans and chemical control of noxious species. F4 Enterprises Inc. assists landowners in Douglas and Elbert counties with noxious weed management. We are capable of handling acreage on a small and large scale. F4 Enterprises Inc. utilizes an Integrated Pest Management approach. We monitor and assess populations and species, then determine the proper course of action. When chemical control is the option, we select only the best products at correct labeled rates. In almost all cases, there are no grazing restrictions or negative effects to livestock. We are sensitive to landowner needs and concerns regarding their livestock. F4 Enterprises Inc. wants to help you protect the beauty and value of your property.
Providing exceptional customer service throughout Douglas and Elbert Counties for more than 5 years
Douglas/Elbert Counties
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Pasture management plans to support healthy grasses and weed control!
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