Noxious Weeds We Frequently Encounter
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Canada Thistle
1-4' tall
Forms colonies and spreads vigorously via underground stems
Flowers are purple 1/2" - 1/3" wide – multiple flowers per plant
Aggressive and difficult to control
Tillage only increases numbers
Musk Thistle
2-6' tall
Large deeply lobed spiny leaves
Large 1 ½" - 2 1/2 " wide purple flower
Invades pastures/rangeland forming dense stands
Very competitive
Dalmation Toadflax
1-3' tall
Perennial, reproduces from roots and seeds
Leaves are waxy and wrap around stem, almost triangular or heart-shaped
Yellow “snapdragon”- like flowers with a long spur
Aggressive weed with a deep root system
Difficult to control
Yellow Toadflax
1-2' tall
Perennial, reproduces from roots and seeds
Leaves are numerous and narrow
Flowers are yellow, 1" long, look like a “snapdragon”
Aggressive invader with a deep root system
Difficult to control
Diffuse Knapweed
1-2' tall
Stems rough to touch
Numerous narrow leaves
Flowers are white to purplish
Flowers July-September
Reproduces by seed
Highly competitive
Downy Brome aka Cheatgrass
Winter annual
Light green plant with soft hairs on the leaf
Germinates in late summer to fall
Mature plants dry out in summer months creating a fire hazzard
Seeds can embed in clothes and animal fur
Leafy Spurge
1-3' tall
Reproduces by roots and seeds
Leaves are narrow, 1"-4" long
Flowers are yellowish green with similar color bract beneath
Very deep tap root system with large nutrient reserves
Exudes a milky sap that can irritate skin, humans and livestock
Seed capsules dry down and explode; can project seeds up to 15’
Very difficult to control
Common Mullein
2-6' tall
Large fuzzy leaves
Rosette in the first year, flowers in 2nd year
Flowers are yellow on long stalks
Stalks can produce thousands of seeds that persist in soil for years
Flowers and seeds June-August